OT JEDI recognizes the present social injustices and racism that still exist within our nation, and embrace the rich perspectives and experiences that arise from racial, ethnic, socio-economic, sexual, gender and religious diversity within our health care community.The goal of OT JEDI is to empower our listeners in order to recognize barriers with our occupational therapy experiences that may be caused by social injustice, inequality, and racial trauma. We are committed to building opportunities for learning, growth, and accountability.
Where are all the Black OTs?
Toni Solaru OT, OTD, OTR talks about the unknown history of occupational therapy. Dr. Solaru is a community-based mental health OT and the co-founder and Chair of Diverse-OT National, an organization dedicated to advancing the cultural climate within the OT profession and strives to create a community of critically reflexive OT(A)s and students.
To follow Diverse-OT National on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/diverseot_national/?hl=en
To access the full interview on YouTube – https://youtu.be/Au8sreLe8IE
American Occupational Therapy Association. (1953, November). Report of the Subcommittee on Schools and Curriculum. (Available from the Wilma L. West Library, 4720 Montgomery Lane, Bethesda, Maryland 20814)
Black, R. M. (2002). Occupational therapy’s dance with diversity. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 56, 140–148.
Black History Milestones. (2019). LifeHistory.com. Retrieved from https://www.history.com /topics/black-history/black-history-milestones
Bolden, J. A. (1993). Differential occupational outcomes among African American and white women in female-dominated professions: The case of occupational therapy. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Boston University.
Robinson, L. (2000). The Black occupational therapy caucus: The first 25 Years. Black Occupational Therapy Caucus.
Skyberg, R., Grubb, Rachel. (2019). Evolution of occupational therapy practice: Life history of Lela Llorens, Ph.D., OTR/Ret, FAOTA.. Oral History Student Papers. 54.
Wells, S. A., & Whiting, F. (1998, March). A celebration of diversity: Reviewing AOTA’s progress toward creating a more diverse profession. OT Practice, 2, 31–34.